Friday, July 19, 2013

Bryce to Zion June 15, 2013

Bryce to Zion with Western Spirit

Our roadtrip started with a quick 10+ hour drive from Boise to St. George, UT.  There, we had ice cream, swam, went out to dinner and prepped our bags for our departure the next morning.  After a semi-restful night of sleep and Greg blowing his lid, a calmness ensued and we met our guides at 730am at our hotel.  We loaded up our gear and started a 90-min roadtrip to Bryce.  On our trip were the us McBob's (Greg, Darla, Quinn and Mylie), our new friends Bill and Zoey, and our guides, Aleph, Tim and Noah.  We could tell from the first 15-minutes together that this was going to be a great trip...hmmm...three guides and six people...nice!  

This is Bill and Zoey, fresh from sea level in Florida and our buddies for the week.  They guys were awesome to hang out with!  Zoey was 12, liked to ride and strangely had many same qualities as Bert.  Bonus, Bill liked good wine, too!

Day 1: After a quick 90-minute drive from St. George, UT to the Bryce Canyon N.P. plateau, we had a quick lunch and jumped on our bikes for a 12-mile rolling ride.
Forgot to take photos the first night, so here's the next morning with coffee in hand.

Here's Skipper looking like she's supporting something to do with rainbow unicorns.  Didn't see the unicorns.
After a cozy night for 4 of us in our 6-person tent, we heard the "coffee" call at 7am.  A bit brisk, but a boat-load of coffee and hot chocolate did us up right!  Camp was at 7200', thus Southern Utah was not really all sandstone and heat!  Overnight it got to 36-degrees.  Photo below are the girls posing, as they pretty much did all week.

Day 2: We headed off early to Bryce Canyon N.P. for a hike from Sunset to Sunrise Points.  It was an amazing 3-mile hike with about 500' elevation gain/loss.  By the time we got to lunch, we were worked and the girls were proud!

 Looking down at the people far below!
 Looking up at Inspiration Point
Really cool tunnels to walk through in Bryce.  
The below photo was by our team photographer, Mylie.  
Apparently Greg is only half as smart as he thinks!
Here's a quick detour to Morocco.  Okay, kidding, but a really amazing area at the bottom of the hike.
Here's the Queen Formation, do you see her?  It's not the dragon-head facing right :)
Here's Skipper hiking the 3+ miles like a rock-star!

Here's Pappa Pantalones proving that he's not just the photographer.  Credits to Skipper!
Here's Bill and Zoey showing altitude is NOT an issue!
And here we have The Bertamus-Machine!  She got nicknamed "Pantani" during the week.
Yeah, it was hot, but Gnarla made it HOTTER!
Day 2 took us to a nice creek crossing obstacle.  There was no carnage, just smiles from everyone.
We ended Day 2 swimming in a lake by the campground, or you could call it the first chance of bathing thus far.  We're now at 9100' and loving it.
Day 2 camp.  Hmmm, where's Skipper?  Wherever Tim was, her new buddy.
Skipper decided to do laps around camp in flipflops and a little attitude.
I'm not posing, this is just what I normally do...
Day 3, Bert and Skipper are ready to roll.
Skipper and Aleph taking a break after singing songs for 10 miles.
Greg and Gnarla at the top of the day's climb.  Next the monster descent of 12-miles!
 Final destination of the day is the flat meadows near the top of the photo.
 Ah, finished and a good ride.
Skipper also became known as "The Horse Whisperer"
 Momma's tired, and it's only lunch!  That's the sign of a great day thus far.
Sunset view Day 3 up at 9200' looking toward Zion National Park way out there and way lower.
 Looking toward the first annual "Skipper Toss"
Buddies and a campfire.
 Morning Mom and Dad ride on the Virgin Rim Trail.
Looking down toward Zion WAY out there.

"So, Tim, listen, if we're gonna continue to hang out, I need something more from you.  I mean the conversation is fine, but you really gotta start listening to Taylor Swift and give me more candy!"
 Just cruising the single-track along another alpine lake (yawn).
Proud Daddy-Daughters after an amazing evening ride.
 The calm before the storm of descending 6,000' to Zion
 On the way down...
 I fell, but I can still carry a song!
Bert, worked...
Happy parents
Now in Zion, ready for a shower, or maybe a creek.
 Ah, the Virgin River swim awesome!
Unable to get a full-body workout, Gnarla decides to swim upstream back to Bryce.
Heading down the Zion Nat'l Park bike path to Springdale and a real pool, shower and bed.  
Not sure we're ready for it.  Dirt has been our friend for SO long.
Packing lunches for today's ride/hike in Zion.  These guys always had a great food spread!

We rode from Springdale to the end of the road with only busses able to drive by us.  
Amazing morning for a ride.

And then we started hiking up the Virgin River...toe to waist deep and WAY fun!

Here's the entire crew:  Tim, Greg, Darla, Noah, Aleph, Zoey, Mylie, Bill, and Quinn

 Guide: Aleph and Skipper's sing-along buddy who got her through miles and miles of trails.
 Guide: Tim and Skipper's dream guy, if he liked Taylor Swift!
Guide: Noah and no chemistry with Skipper, just a good guy.